Welcome to Threads Run Club Philippines

Virtual Runs, Real Stories.

Welcome to Threads Run Club Philippines

Est. July 10, 2024

Hashtag: #ThreadsRCPH

Tagline: Virtual Runs, Real Stories.

We’re thrilled to have you join our community of runners who believe in more than just the miles. Here, we focus on running that’s sustainable for the body, mindful for the soul, and meaningful in every step. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting, this is your space to grow, connect, and inspire.

General Guidelines

1. Club Values

- Sustainability: Prioritize long-term health and fitness. Our runs are designed to be challenging yet safe, helping you build endurance without risking injury.

- Mindfulness: Run with awareness, focusing on your breath, posture, and the environment. Mindful running helps reduce stress and enhances the joy of running.

- Meaningfulness: Every run has a story. Share your experiences, the challenges you overcome, and the goals you achieve. This isn’t just about running—it’s about connecting with yourself and others.

2. Membership Essentials

- Accountability: Regular participation is encouraged. Whether you’re joining a group run or running solo, check in with the club on THREADS to stay motivated and accountable.

- Respect: Foster a supportive environment. Encourage fellow runners, share advice, and celebrate successes—big or small.

- Communication: Keep all discussions positive and constructive. Use THREADS to share your runs, thoughts, and any relevant articles or resources.

3. Sustainable Running Practices

- Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to signs of fatigue or discomfort. It’s okay to slow down or take rest days when needed.

- Gradual Progression: Increase mileage and intensity slowly. Avoid the temptation to do too much too soon.

- Recovery: Incorporate rest, stretching, and cross-training into your routine. Recovery is key to sustainable running.

4. Mindful Running Tips

- Breath Control: Focus on deep, even breathing. This can help you maintain a steady pace and reduce stress.

- Body Awareness: Pay attention to your posture and form. Running mindfully helps prevent injury and improves efficiency.

- Environment Connection: Whether running outdoors or on a treadmill, take a moment to appreciate your surroundings. This adds a layer of meaning to your run.

5. Meaningful Connections

- Storytelling: After each run, share your story on THREADS. What did you learn? How did you feel? What challenges did you face?

- Goal Setting: Set personal goals, and share them with the group. Whether it’s completing a race or improving your pace, we’re here to support each other.

- Celebration: Celebrate milestones, no matter how small. Every step forward is progress.

6. Group Runs & Challenges

- Virtual Group Runs: Join our scheduled virtual runs, where we sync up to run “together” wherever we are. Post-run, we gather on THREADS to share our experiences.

- Monthly Challenges: Participate in our monthly challenges designed to push your limits while keeping running fun and engaging. Track your progress and share it with the group.

7. Safety First

- Hydration & Nutrition: Always stay hydrated and fuel your body properly before, during, and after runs.

- Weather Considerations: Dress appropriately for the weather, and avoid running in unsafe conditions.

- Route Safety: Plan your routes carefully, whether you’re running in urban areas or trails. Let someone know your route if running alone.

8. Leaderboard

We post strava leaderboard every Monday of the week.

We’re excited to see where your running journey will take you with us. Remember, this club is more than just running; it’s about creating and sharing real stories that inspire and uplift. Let’s lace up, hit the pavement, and start writing our stories together!

Welcome to the club!

Links to important Strava Posts:


or to participate.